Bahawalnagar Police incident reflects Pakistan’s destroyed system
Due to these videos, the Pakistani Army and Punjab Police have also been severely criticized on social media.

The Pakistan Army and the Punjab Police have announced that a transparent and joint investigation will be conducted into the incident that took place at a police station in Bahawalnagar, Punjab province, Pakistan.
It will reveal the real facts and ensure the rule of law. Joint investigation will identify those responsible for violations of law and abuse of power.
These statements are announced by Pakistan Army Public Relations Department (ISPR) and Punjab Police Inspector General (IG) Dr. Usman Anwar.
It has come out at a time when many such videos have been circulating on social media in which police personnel can be seen being tortured by military personnel.
Due to these videos, the Pakistani Army and Punjab Police have also been severely criticized on social media. In these videos, some policemen are seen sitting locked in the police station and some persons dressed in military uniform are torturing the policemen. ISPR says:
“Recently a tragic incident took place in Bahawalnagar which was quickly resolved by the combined efforts of the army and the police, but despite the poisonous propaganda on social media by a few groups with nefarious intentions is going on to create division among state institutions.”
Why did Bahawalnagar incident happen?
In Pakistan, whose stick is the buffalo law is in force. That is why whoever has arms and power can do anything anywhere. Military dictatorship has shaken the foundations of Pakistan’s system.
They are doing businesses, grabing land for DHA, interfering general elections and looting Pakistan with both hands.
Imran Khan, former prime minister of Pakistan is fighting against the dictators and the war is reached at No Return point.
On the other hand, military establishment is careless of the sentiments of people and doing the illegal things with quite confidence. The coming week is most important in the history of Pakistan. It will be decided who will run the country.